Choose your favorite VPS Server

Whether you seek the most cost-effective cloud server, require dedicated power for critical tasks, or are interested in exploring the benefits of Arm64 architecture, our range has a solution tailored for your needs.

Shared vCPU (x86)

Best price-performance ratio. Suitable for small and medium traffic websites and applications, which can handle varying levels of CPU allocation.
$ 5.77/mo

Shared vCPU (Arm64)

Revolutionize your VPS experience! Explore an alternative to traditional x86 cloud servers with our powerful and eco-friendly Arm64 architecture.
$ 5.77/mo

Dedicated vCPU

Ideal for business-critical applications and workloads requiring sustained high CPU and network usage. Ensures low latency and consistent, predictable performance.
$ 19.00/mo

*Prices exclude tax of 10% of the total price.

What Type of VPS Server is Best for My Requirements?

Dedicated vCPU Plans

Ideal for high-demand scenarios like high-traffic websites, gaming servers, machine learning, and big data processing. These plans offer low latency, consistent high CPU and network performance, perfect for business-critical applications. The new CCX plans make dedicated vCPUs more affordable.

Shared vCPU Plans

Best for environments with medium traffic and network demand, such as small databases, microservices, CMS, or low-traffic webservers. In these plans, virtual CPU cores are shared among users, offering a superior price-performance ratio, but with variable response times. Suitable for development and some production environments.

Premium VPS Services at Unmatched Prices

Only pay for the hours used if your server is needed for less than a month. No minimum contract duration required!

Shared vCPU (x86)
Shared vCPU (Arm64)
Dedicated vCPU

Optimal cost-to-performance balance using Intel® Xeon® Gold or AMD EPYC™ 7002 series processors.



1 2 2 3 2 4 4 8 8 16


2 GB 2 GB 4 GB 4 GB 8 GB 8 GB 16 GB 16 GB 32 GB 32 GB

Disk space

20 GB 40 GB 40 GB 80 GB 80 GB 160 GB 160 GB 240 GB 240 GB 360 GB


20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB


$ 5.77 / mtl. $ 6.62 / mtl. $ 8.14 / mtl. $ 11.48 / mtl. $ 14.75 / mtl. $ 20.68 / mtl. $ 26.46 / mtl. $ 38.32 / mtl. $ 50.03 / mtl. $ 83.49 / mtl.

Experience efficiency with the Arm64 architecture powered by Ampere® Altra® processors.



2 4 8 16


4 GB 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB

Disk space

40 GB 80 GB 160 GB 320 GB


20 TB 20 TB 20 TB 20 TB


$ 5.77 / mtl. $ 9.87 / mtl. $ 19.00 / mtl. $ 37.25 / mtl.

Maximize your workload efficiency using the advanced AMD Milan EPYC™ 7003 and AMD Genoa EPYC™ 9654 processors.



2 4 8 16 32 48


8 GB 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB 128 GB 192 GB

Disk space

80 GB 160 GB 240 GB 360 GB 600 GB 960 GB


20 TB 20 TB 30 TB 40 TB 50 TB 60 TB


$ 19.00 / mtl. $ 37.25 / mtl. $ 73.75 / mtl. $ 146.74 / mtl. $ 292.73 / mtl. $ 438.72 / mtl.
Cloud Server Locations

HostMarket Cloud services in Ashburn, Virginia, and Hillsboro, Oregon, are hosted on top-tier servers located within established data center parks in the USA. Ashburn, located near the US capital, and Hillsboro, close to Portland, are strategically chosen for their robust network infrastructure and high connectivity.

Ensuring utmost data security, we have direct control over these servers. Both locations offer advanced AMD-based cloud servers and comprehensive cloud features. The Ashburn site is situated in a renowned tech corridor, while Hillsboro is part of a key tech region, providing ideal conditions for high-performance cloud services in North America.

Hostmarket Cloud products, located in Nuremberg and Falkenstein, operate on servers housed in our own data centers in Germany. These facilities ensure reliable and efficient service delivery.

Our data centers are fortified with video-monitored, high-security perimeters and advanced access control systems. This setup guarantees the highest level of security, protecting both the infrastructure and the data housed within.

Compliant with strict European data protection regulations, our data centers in Nuremberg and Falkenstein occupy a strategic position in central Europe. This geographical advantage offers our customers fast and reliable connections to various regions across Western, Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe.

Hostmarket’s Helsinki Cloud products are hosted in our own data center park in Tuusula, Finland, conveniently located just 30 minutes from central Helsinki. This facility is secured with video surveillance and a high-security perimeter, complete with advanced access control systems, ensuring top-tier security.

Adhering to stringent European data protection standards, our Helsinki data center serves as a key northern European hub. It complements our other European locations, providing our customers with rapid and reliable connectivity to various regions across Western, Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe.



Choose from a broad selection of operating systems, including Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and others. We always offer the latest releases for each.


We offer easy access to commonly used software like Docker, WordPress, Nextcloud, and more. Simply choose an app while setting up your server, and start with preinstalled, ready-to-use software.


HostMarket operates cloud instances in data centers in Germany and Finland, plus AMD-based servers in the USA. All centers comply with European data protection regulations.


Our Snapshot feature allows you to manually back up your servers. Use these Snapshots to restore your server to a previous state, create new cloud servers from saved images, or transfer images for project needs.


Every our VPS package includes at least 20 TB of traffic, ensuring plenty of bandwidth for your projects. If needed, you can increase your bandwidth by adding more at a cost of $ 1.09 per month for each additional TB.

DDoS protection

We provide first-rate protection for your VPS servers with the latest hardware and sophisticated security technologies, guarding against large-scale DDoS attacks free of charge.


Volumes provide highly available and reliable SSD storage for your VPS servers. They are scalable up to 10 TB and can be connected to your Hetzner cloud servers whenever needed.


Backups are automated copies of your server created to ensure the safety of your data. Up to 7 backups can be stored.

Trusted by over 5,000 happy customers worldwide


Any Questions?

What is the billing method for your servers?

Servers are billed with both a monthly cap and an hourly rate. You'll never pay more than the monthly cap for each server. If you delete a server before the month's end, you're only charged the hourly rate. Billing continues for each cloud server until deletion, regardless of usage.

Can I request a server with a custom configuration?

Currently, we do not offer customized virtual servers with additional RAM, larger drives, or other specific modifications.

Is it possible to install Windows?

Right now we are focusing on support for Linux as an operating system. If you wish, you may install Windows on your own, and we have seen successful installations done. However, we will not provide any support for Windows.

Do you plan to expand by adding new locations in various global regions?

Hostmarket has recently expanded its VPS services to Ashburn, Virginia, and Hillsboro, Oregon in the USA. Our team is actively exploring new geographic locations to further extend our VPS services.

How does Hostmarket store data within its VPS Volumes?

Hostmarket stores each block of data across three separate physical servers, ensuring triple replication for enhanced security and reliability.

Are servers billed even when they are turned off?

Yes, all VPS servers are billed from the moment their creation is complete until they are deleted, regardless of whether they are on or off. This is because we allocate full resources to the servers at all times, ensuring quick startup and boot times for our customers.

How dependable are servers' local storage disks?

Servers with local storage use a RAID10 setup on the host system, offering fault tolerance against hardware defects. These servers are optimized for high I/O performance and low latency, making them particularly suitable for applications needing quick disk access with minimal delay, like databases.

Are there any plans to introduce [x feature] or expand the current feature set?

Hostmarket launched with a basic set of features essential for market entry, with plans to continuously expand our offerings. Our development infrastructure is tailored to facilitate the addition of new features. While we're unable to share a detailed roadmap of our upcoming developments, you can keep informed about our latest updates by following us on Twitter at

What exactly are Hostmarket VPS Volumes?

Hostmarket VPS Volumes are a fast, flexible, and cost-effective SSD-based block storage feature that can be attached to your cloud servers.

What is the limit on the number of servers I can create?

Every customer has a default limit on the number of Cloud resources available at once. To increase this limit, you can request an upgrade by submitting a support ticket through the Clientarea. Our team will promptly review and, if approved, raise your limit.

14 days money back guarantee

If you not satisfy, we will refund your payment. No hassle, no risk. You can cancel plan at any time.

*Cancellation must be within a maximum of 14 days